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How synthetic media, or deepfakes, could soon change our world deepfake technology 60 minutes

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Images related to the topic deepfake technology 60 minutes

How synthetic media, or deepfakes, could soon change our world

How synthetic media, or deepfakes, could soon change our world

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How synthetic media, or deepfakes, could soon change our world
deepfake technology 60 minutes
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33 thoughts on “How synthetic media, or deepfakes, could soon change our world deepfake technology 60 minutes”

  1. At 1:12 you can see its fake. Hard to tell but you can spot the fake. Technology could get better true, but I think people could still spot it. Nothing beats the real thing.

  2. I don't understand how it could manipulate politics i mean there would be other people in Congress sitting there during the press conference. Or the media would be there too. It wouldn't take long to discredit something if other people are there too.

  3. The U.S. government is concerned but is a DeepFake entity itself, and a Mass Mind Control Program, as all news media is, right from the start of broadcasting airwaves.

  4. this was the secret in the media for many years. the gov't used it to promote propaganda in africa and south america with millions of dead people from wars. human un/kind

  5. TV reporters themselves could be made obsolete. Imagine the only thing a reporter does is write the text of an article. Then your own personalized news avatar reads the article to you directly, in your own language.

  6. How about the law being passed or has passing in OZ where the law can play the part of anyone social media account, that's not cool either, not right at all.

  7. Aaaand, since we all know Hollywood and the Democrats are on the same team, we all know they are the ones using it, to fool us all that communism is good and America is bad.

  8. So basically I can make anybody commit a crime on camera & if they don’t have a solid alibi…..nobody can tell if it’s real or fake? Ok perfect 🤦🏽‍♂️

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