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7 Financial Goals to Achieve in Your 20's (LIFE CHANGING!) finance 20s

あなたがまだ30歳になっていない場合、これらの目標はあなたの人生を過給し、あなたを1トン助けるでしょう。 30歳以上の場合でも、これらの目標は達成するのに最適です。 このビデオを最後まで見ると、これらの重要なマイルストーンが100%明確になり、それらに向けて行動を開始する方法がわかります。 このチャンネルの目的は、あなたがあなた自身の最高で最も成功したバージョンになるのを助けることです。 最終的にはあなた次第ですが、このビデオでできる限りあなたを助けたいと思います。 (1650ドルまでの価値):私自身も取り組んでいるいくつかの非常に重要な目標を検討します。 私たちは一緒にこれにいます! 740を超えるクレジットスコアの取得(これを行う方法のヒントについてはビデオをご覧ください)、お金の活用、家の購入、複数のソースでの収入の増加などがあります。 私が若い頃にこの種のガイダンスがあったとしたら、私は今日の私をはるかに超えていると思います。 それはあなたが知っていることとその情報を与えられてあなたがとる行動についてのすべてです。 28歳での私の10の収入源(6人の図起業家):受動的収入を得る6つのトップの方法(1000ドル未満):初心者のためにAmazonFBAで販売する方法 [2020 FULL Guide]:私のウェブサイト:www.charliechang.coまた、非常に低い金利を利用して家を購入し、それをテナントに貸し出し、S&P500を水から追い出す投資収益率を生み出す方法についても話します。 20代でお金を節約し、資産に投資し、お金を稼ぐ方法読書も、金融リテラシーを構築するための非常に重要なことです。 金融リテラシーは、世界で最も強力なものの1つです。 それで、あなたは新しい機会に気づき、あなたのお金をあなたのために働かせることができ、そしてより多くを稼ぎながらより少なく働くことができます。 世界中の人々は、お金を稼ぐために人生のかなりの部分を費やしています。 仕事を減らして、そのお金を稼ぐためのより賢い方法を見つけて、あなたのためにより多くのお金を稼ぎませんか? 私が知っている早口言葉ですが、人はこれが強力ですcこのビデオがあなたを助け、あなたに明快さを与えることを願っています。 できる限りお手伝いしたいので、これからもこのような動画を作り続けていきたいと思います。 どうもありがとうございました。いいねをドロップして、このようなコンテンツをもっと購読してください! ➡️➡️このようなコンテンツを高く評価、コメント、購読してください! ➡️➡️その他のヒントについては、Instagramをフォローしてください:-Charlie#FinancialGoals#20s #Learn My Recording Equipment and Favorite Books:..

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7 Financial Goals to Achieve in Your 20's (LIFE CHANGING!)

7 Financial Goals to Achieve in Your 20's (LIFE CHANGING!)

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7 Financial Goals to Achieve in Your 20's (LIFE CHANGING!)
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See also  20. Nine Ten Finance Chapter 5 (Part-4) ll SSC Finance & Banking ll Class 9-10 Finance and Banking finance chapter 5

44 thoughts on “7 Financial Goals to Achieve in Your 20's (LIFE CHANGING!) finance 20s”

  1. Hi friends, check out these 7 financial goals to add to your to-do list! I'm working on these too, so let's ride this together. Hope you all have an amazing day!

  2. You are the best and most straightforward youtuber I have every followed. I never feel as though I am being swindled when watching your videos or mislead. Please keep up this approach as being a direct and honest source of information is more noble than cheating viewers into over priced and empty course schemes for a money grab. Much love – continue what you are doing!

  3. I’m 15 and I’m watching this so I can Live happily by the time I’m older, all this is very new to me right now but I’m trying to gain as much information and I’m trying to learn as much as I can.

  4. 25 years old making 5 figures monthly and I have to say this video says it all, I’d also recommend anyone in their 20s and 30s to focus as well on building passive income streams.

  5. Hi guys! I was told by my dad that I could get some investment tips here on YT, been pondering how investors amass millions in the financial market and I'm ready to dabble in. Great video 👍🏻

  6. I lost my job with Qatar Airways in 2018 went into debt started investing 2019 and paid off all of it via profits off investing before pandemic. Investing is a great choice I made.

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  8. I saw several people testifying for making so much money with the help of martins Scott weekly and I decided to give it a try and now I'm so happy I made $12,540 in few days I recommend him to anyone that has incurred so much lost trying to make profit

  9. The value of this video per each minute is crazy. Even if it's more US related, the principles apply almost anywhere – maybe except the student loan, although might be interesting if you made a video about how much that student debt actually means after all those years. (or maybe interview someone in that situation – maybe another great Youtuber such as "Invest with Rose")

  10. Invaluable vid man! Regarding the Roth IRA, I would just add that there is an income limit (139k for 2020 I think if you’re single). But you can learn about the backdoor strategy to get around that. Roths are definitely more advantageous for sure.

  11. When you make good investments in life things that look expensive become cheap, am fortunate to experience that. I tried trading last year but i lost my trades three times, i became fed up and disappointed until just a few months back when i saw a post of someone who can help. I reluctantly checked again and made my fourth try which came out like a miracle to me 100% successful no scam, i could not believe it, received my profit directly to my blockchain wallet. It's really a thing of joy to find yourself in the midst of the successful ones in this trade, am glad to be among. I now have this belief that they are still good people who can help you out here is Ethan Hartman is a trusted manager you can invest with.

  12. After the strategy and guild line of Mr Richard I was able to invest $1000 and made a profit of $9560 all thanks to you Richard and your platform you are indeed a blessing to this generation

  13. It all sound like a joke until I made my first withdrawal of $3500 and then my second of $5000 was sent directly into my wallet thaanks Mr Richard indeed you are a God sent into my life and my family

  14. I must confess before now I barely survive not until I gave up my last $2000 on Richard binary option platform and ever since then my life changed I am now a new born making more profit every 5days of trading

  15. Such a great video Charlie! I didn't know you were friends with Elliot until I saw you in his latest video, very cool. You must have been pretty gutsy to let him drive your I8 LOL

  16. I would almost say at ANY age most of these would apply. Too many people think it's too late and say that in they're 40s or 50s when they still had time to make for a better retirement

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