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Best Personal Finance Books Of All Time (5 BOOKS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE) top 5 finance books

個人金融の本ごとに、重要なポイント、それが私の人生をどのように変えたか、そしてなぜあなたがそれを読むべきだと思うのかを共有します。 これは、史上最高のパーソナルファイナンスの本の私のリストです! あなたが個人的な財政の本の推薦を必要とするならば、これ以上探す必要はありません。 _________ ***このビデオで言及されている本へのリンク***私はあなたに金持ちになることを教えます(ミレニアルのための個人金融に関する陽気なハウツー本)金持ち父さん貧乏父さん(すべての個人金融本を売る#1)時間。 ..もっと言う必要がありますか?)Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant(Rich Dad Poor Dadのパート2)4時間のWorkweek(9-5を脱出し、どこにでも住む方法)Think and Grow Rich(究極のお金の本)の考え方と富の意識)__________ ***無料トレーニング:不確実な時代に投資するための3つの秘訣あなたが怖くて、金融の専門用語に完全に混乱し、「分析麻痺」で立ち往生する傾向がある場合でも、自動操縦で富を築く方法」。 ←ここからサインアップ__________免責事項と開示❤このコンテンツは教育およびent向けです。情報は、特定の投資家の投資目的、リスク許容度、または財務状況を考慮せずに提示されており、すべての投資家に適しているとは限りません。 過去の実績は、Investing WithRoseがAmazonServices LLC Associates Programに参加していることを示すものではありません。これは、に広告を掲載してリンクすることにより、サイトが広告料金を獲得する手段を提供するように設計されたアフィリエイト広告プログラムです。 ご支援いただきありがとうございます! __________ソーシャルでこんにちはと言ってください:ウェブサイト:Instagram:TikTok:Twitter:Facebook:LinkedIn :。

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Best Personal Finance Books Of All Time (5 BOOKS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE)

Best Personal Finance Books Of All Time (5 BOOKS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE)

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Best Personal Finance Books Of All Time (5 BOOKS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE)
top 5 finance books
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See also  Nine Ten Finance Chapter 4 (Part-02) ll SSC Finance & Banking ll Class 9-10 Finance and Banking finance 4th chapter

26 thoughts on “Best Personal Finance Books Of All Time (5 BOOKS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE) top 5 finance books”

  1. I didn't begin my journey of reading financial literacy books until I was in prison for selling drugs. Coming up in that culture, I thought that was the only way to really make a good amount of money. Ignorance is not bliss. What you don't know can fucking kill you! The first financial book I ever read was "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker. It sent me down the rabbit hole of financial literacy, things we weren't taught in our schools. Next, I read "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey, and I've had an insatiable lust for financial knowledge ever since.

  2. I highly recommend creating an Audible account if you are like me and like to save money whenever possible and still have access to literature like Rose recommends in this video. I had 12 free books from just being a member (I think you get 1 free every month). I now have 7 free books left. Thanks Rose for these excellent recommendations. Ill be studying them!

  3. how were you able to travel around the world on your own before you started university? how did you have the money and knowledge for that? serious question btw cause i think thats dope

  4. The selected books are really inspiring. Everyone must learn the way of investing there some part of their income in a right direction for future saving from the very first salary of their career. Investment started from small amount even it's from 500/- will help you to save a big amounts at the age of retirement. It's really a disappointment that no one all's about the investment from the school ages in India. If a person start learning about the future saving and investing from a very young ages then no one will stop him/her to become millionaire/billionaire before 30. I understood the importance of savings and investment at a ages of 27 but I will teach my future kids to learn about savings and investment from a very early ages.

  5. hmm feels like being a b is a lot easier than being an e. Like Rose, of course an employee without much liquid assets or support values job security over freedom, there are probably a million socio economic reasons thats the case. I bet there's a lot of 'subtle' classism in all of this..

  6. And the best part is that all of those books are free here on Youtube as an audiobooks. So if you for some reason can not invest into buying these books right now there is your solution. 🙂 Thank you Rose for all the work you do! You're very inspiring!

  7. So far I have read the first 2 books "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "I Will Teach You to Be Rich" and along with your videos, I have started investing! Thank you so much for the great content!

  8. It's funny, I have already read 4 out of 5 of these. The only one I haven't read is "I will Teach You To Be Rich" – Ramit Sethi. I guess that will be next. Thank you, Rose! I am going to also read your Investing book recommendations!

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