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Cash-Out-Refinance | What It Is & How To Use It! refinance real estate

このビデオでは、Jesse Fragaleが、不動産のキャッシュアウト借り換えとは何か、そしてその使い方を教えてくれます。 ジェシーはキャッシュアウトリファイナンスの背後にある数学を分解しているので、いつそれを行うか、どのように行うか、そしてなぜBiggerPocketsコミュニティに参加するのかがわかります! –Facebookで私たちとつながりましょう-@ biggerpockets InstagramとTwitterをフォローしてください! Jesse Fragaleとの接続:InstagramでJesseをフォロー:@ jfragalz&@ brokerbanter Linkedin:Jesseの個人YouTubeチャンネル:。

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Cash-Out-Refinance | What It Is & How To Use It!

Cash-Out-Refinance | What It Is & How To Use It!

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Cash-Out-Refinance | What It Is & How To Use It!
refinance real estate
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See also  iFinance 4.2 English Showcase Video ifinance

39 thoughts on “Cash-Out-Refinance | What It Is & How To Use It! refinance real estate”

  1. Great video! I just don't understand why the mortgage amount didn't decrease in 2019. I would assume that 4 years of mortgage payments would have decreased the balance on the mortgage by at least $200k.

  2. Question:
    a) Is that the only way you can get a refinance? What if the value of the property didn’t increase or decrease at all this 4 years?

    b) Why the equity is still 200k after 4 years? Doesn’t the mortgage repayment year by year counts as equity? Wouldn’t it in 2019 be $401,984 ?
    [( Annual Mortgage ($50,496 * 4 Years) + 200k initial investment]

    Plus 500k appreciation. Shouldn’t the equity be something like $901,984 in 2019?

    Am I getting this totally wrong?

  3. Man I really need to learn this, I have 130k in stocks, I’m 22 years old, and NEVER dipped my hands in realm of real estate, I live in a 10k RV and own 30k worth of vehicles, what am I doing with my life.

  4. Everyone’s confused because the $400k duplex purchased with cash-out, increased the mortgage payment by $25k. There are steps missing here.

    Also, the way that the presentation is conducted is choppy. The camera provides to much facetime, when what’s needed are the remaining details of the hypothetical duplex.

    Did the cash provide down payment for the duplex? How much was the duplex in total?

    All-in-all, I get it after watching the video a second time & researching the applicable cash out refinance program.

  5. I like how he says “most you tubers go too far in the weeds” in then he proceeds to go directly into the weeds. He’s using industry lingo without explaining anything. Dude sucks at making sense of this.

  6. I'm lost, but it's from being wholly unfamiliar with real estate in general, not the quality of explanation in this video. I am try to do a cash out refi this week, I'm scared to death I'm going to make a bad choice.

  7. Dude, what are you really talking dude? Not able to understand at all. I will be googling most of the words you told to understand what those are first and then most likely watch this video at least 5 times to start understanding. We are simple people bro, not refinancing experts or bank experts. Keep that in mind for the next video. Nothing much to tell, and yes thank you for all the effort you have put into this though.

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