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Home » TIMELAPSE OF FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: 2022 – 4000+ technology future

TIMELAPSE OF FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: 2022 – 4000+ technology future

将来の技術を見るための旅は、イーロンマスクとスペースXが最初のスターシップを火星に送り、最初の人間の探検家の到着の準備を始めた2022年に始まります。 NASAのアルテミスミッション、火星に着陸する人間、惑星間インターネットシステムのオンライン化など、宇宙探査の進化が見られます。 Starshot Alpha Centauriプログラムの立ち上げ、および火星で生き残ることができる植物を設計する量子コンピューター。 地球上では、技術は量子コンピューターとNeaulinkチップで進化しています。 人々はバイオプリンティングで生活を始めますそして、人間がレベル2とレベル3の文明になるとき、将来の予測についてはどうでしょうか。 NASAのワープドライブが稼働し、火星が地球からの独立を宣言したとき。 星の周りにエネルギーを取り込むためにダイソン構造が構築されるのでしょうか。 彼らは、人間の意識を取り、それを量子コンピューターのコアにダウンロードできるコンピューターに電力を供給するのを助けますか? 人類がさらに宇宙へと旅することを可能にします。 将来についての引用:Arthur C. Clarke、Stephen Hawking、Albert Einstein、Elon Musk追加の映像:NASA、SpaceX ___将来のテクノロジー、イノベーション、SF(アフィリエイトリンク)についてElonMuskが推奨する書籍:•スーパーインテリジェンス:パス、危険、戦略•Life 3.0:人工知能の時代の人間であること•私たちの最終的な発明:人工知能と人間の時代の終わり•財団:•ギャラクシーへのヒッチハイカーガイド:___その他の動画:•Space Inc:新しい宇宙ビジネスと技術•Elon Muskが宇宙への鉄道を構築する方法(Starship&SpaceX)•人工知能(およびAIの基礎)に関するElon Musk –ドキュメンタリー。

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See also  Science and Technology 12 Literature 29 September 1399 by Professor Reza Momenzadeh technology 12 literature 29

41 thoughts on “TIMELAPSE OF FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: 2022 – 4000+ technology future”

  1. Many see forex as a get rich scheme but forex is not like that, it's a gradual process with the right tools and application you can make a living from forex trading..

  2. I kinda lost Hope for humanity Future because of Natural disasters happening around the world today due to the deep corruptions government all around the world.
    What's the point to boost technology when it's all going down anyway.

  3. 2027, drugs against aging already, really? 2022 will still be about COVID XD. Who will allow people to take drugs that stop their aging? Also if in 2400's warpdrive is being made, than why after that generation spaceships are sent out, that travel below the speed of light?

  4. Вы правда сами в это верите? Человек в 21м веке до сих пор на бензине ездит-очнитесь!)

  5. All we need to do is to create very strong artificial intelligence and this AI will create everything else. By 2050 artificial intelligence will become million times smarter then human and will become self aware. This strong AI will be able to achieve in 1 day what all human scientists together achieve in 100 years. First thing this AI will create is even more powerful AI. All these achievements and a lot more in the video will come true within 200 years from now because of this powerful AI. If we can travel faster then light then within 200 years from now artificial intelligence will be inside every stone, every planet, every star in the universe and universe will come alive. And many of us that are alive today will see this because 20-40 years from now nobody will die anymore, people will die only from accidents. All we need is to keep ourselves healthy for next 20-40 years and we’ll see amazing things.

  6. ok,
    so that clarifies all the UFO cases till now…

    those ppl r us, coming back periodically,
    to verify their past…

    'coz in the year 20,000,
    someone told them,
    that back in the year 10,000,

    "A type 2 civilization tried preventing the death of its star, by injecting fuel into it…"

    & eventually nuked the whole star-systems…

    whose idea was that?? LOL

  7. Our future will be just like Star Trek. No money, no racism, everyone will be perfect, and no one will die of old age, because we will be the Borg.

  8. Humans thought the same in 1970s and 1980s but in last year we saw even planes were not flying. Everthing has just improved discoveries and inventions are less. what you showed in 20 years may take 80-100 years

  9. Yeah…. nahhh lmao
    If we get to mars before ~2045 ill be surprised (Ill be doubly surprised if its Elon that gets us there).
    Everything else if off by between 25-200 years (probably).
    The ETA on the hyperloop (2100) is probably right. TBH after about the 12m mark I laughed so hard. So, thank you.

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